As promised, here are the maps of Operation Sonnenblume, that I just finished. It was fun!

Day 1: The first objective was going through Mersa Brega, and doing so not only with a minimum of time and equipment/manpower wasted, but also with destroying as much enemy forces as possible (in particular the artillery and anti-tank regiment!). To do so, the 5th leichte attacked straight through, while the "Ariete" moved around to block the Via Balbia. The move is successfull, only the 3rd Hussars manage to limp away, all the other forces are blocked there.
Day 2: Destruction of the forces in Mersa Brega and start of the advance on Aghedabia.
Day 3: Attack on Agedabia. I manage to encircled the forces here too and completely destroy them (and the destruction of the Royal Tank Regiment is very good news, less defences for Bengasi and Mechili. There is something strange here: the map says that the regiment is still near Beda Fomm, but I destroyed it, as you can see from the losses graph).
Day 4: Division of my forces. The 5th leichte goes straight north towards Bengasi (it will destroy the other Royal Tank Regiment in doing so), the "Brescia" division will go for the middle trail towards Mechili (passing from Msus), and finally the "Ariete" division will take the long way south, to get to Mechili from behind going through Bir Tengeder.
Day 5: The advance continues.
Day 6: The 5th leichte takes Bengasi!
Day 7 - 8: The "Brescia" division is at the outskirt of Mechili, but waits for the "Ariete" to arrive before attacking. The latter is a little bit behind schedule, there where problems with the logistics and the Ghibli.
Day 9: The "Ariete" is intercepted by the 3rd Indian Motor Brigade at Bir Tengeder. A chaotic battle ensures.
Day 10: The "Ariete" managed to go through the 3rd IMB, now the road to Mechili is open again. In the meantime, the 5th leichte defends Bengasi against various Allied counteroffensives.
Day 11: The "Ariete" is mostly at Mechili, but cannot pass the Wadi that defends it from the south since it is raining.
Day 12: The "Ariete" and the "Brescia" launch the assault on Mechili. Even though the 3rd IMB comes back to attack "Ariete" from the rear, the assault the successful and Mechili is conquered. This is a Major Victory!

This is fantastic! Thanks for your AAR, it was exciting to read it ❤️ May I share it with others on our social networks?