I just got the game, and I must say it seems amazing! I've gone through the manual, the tutorial, and Operation Skorpion and I am definitely hooked. So much hooked, that I couldn't resist looking at the source list at the end of the manual, and I bought "The Crucible of War: Western Desert 1941" right away, a very nice book indeed.
Now, for the actual question. I was wondering why there is no Operation Compass in the game. I can understand that maybe is not right for the campaign (outperforming the Italian 10th Army is easy, and if that happens then the campaign is over without DAK). However, I think that Compass could be a nice longer scenario. So is there a particular reason for not including it (other than "we didn't get the time to balance and create it, the probably and perfectly valid actual reason)?
Great idea, to make it a part of Tutorial 👍🏻 I wish we thought of it a year ago, when we designed it. Give editor a go if you find time, hope you'll find it interesting. Especially after you read a Barrie Pitt's book and the story of "Barba elettrica" and his troops.